
Showing posts from March, 2018

Yuengling Light Beer Review (#7)

Welcome back! The last review I did was on Yuengling Lager. For this review, I am going to focus on the lighter version of Yuengling, Yuengling Light Lager. Yuengling Light has a similar taste to Yuengling, but it has the “light” name. Yuengling light came out a little later than Yuengling in 1986. Alright, let’s look at the nutrition facts for Yuengling Light. It has a low-calorie mark at 99 calories per twelve ounces. The carb level is not too bad, coming in at 8.5 grams for every twelve ounces. The protein level is about 0.8 grams per twelve ounces. Yuengling Light has an ABV of 3.8%, which is a little less than most light beers. Let’s move over to the pricing of Yuengling Light. The pricing for Yuengling Light is the same as it is for Yuengling traditional. For a twelve pack, it will cost you around twelve to fourteen dollars. For you twenty-four pack purchasers, it will cost you about nineteen dollars to purchase. Just like Yuengling traditional, Yuengling Light is not s...

Yuengling Lager Beer Review (#6)

For my next review, I am going to look at a little darker of beers. This review will focus on Yuengling traditional amber lager. Yuengling, although hard to spell, is a refreshing beer to sit back and relax with. I enjoy the taste of Yuengling very much. Would you care for a fun fact about Yuengling? I hope so because I plan to tell you anyway. Yuengling happens to be America’s oldest brewery with a founding date of 1829. Let’s look at some nutrition facts for Yuengling. The calorie intake is a little high at 128 per twelve ounces. For a semi darker beer, the calories are not that high at 10 grams for every twelve ounces. The protein is 1 gram per every twelve ounces. I would say that Yuengling is one of the better nutritional darker beers if you do not like light beers. Yuengling is not too pricey to buy. A twelve pack will cost you around $12-14 dollars while a 24 pack while cost around $19 to purchase. Yuengling is one of those beers that is not sold in a 30 pack. The typi...

Michelob Ultra Review (#5)

Welcome back blog readers! The last review was on Bud Light, if you had forgotten. For this review, I am going to be looking at a very similar beer, with a more healthier aspect. This blog post is about reviewing Michelob Ultra. Michelob Ultra is a very soothing beer to taste. To some, Michelob Ultra is viewed as a feminine beer, but, to me, Ultra is a very good beer for all genders to enjoy. Ultra provides a very refreshing taste that some light beers lack. Michelob Ultra is labeled as “the superior light beer.” To start, let’s look at the nutrition facts of the Michelob Ultra. Ultra is one of the healthier light beers on the market. Michelob Ultra comes in with 95 calories and only 2.6 grams of carbs per twelve fluid ounces. When it comes to ABV, ultra keeps with other light beers at 4.2 percent per twelve fluid ounces. The protein is slim with Ultra with .6 grams per twelve ounces. The sodium level is 9 grams for every twelve ounces. Now, let’s look at the pricing for M...